The Perfect Union of Tradition & Innovation

Galloways Printers based in South Manchester have been providing printing services for over 150 years. Whilst tradition runs through their blood, adapting and embracing new technologies to answer and pre-empt customer requirements and demand is part of their DNA. That is why they are always looking to improve their services.

Finding the Right Solution

As business evolves into a digital first landscape there are certain expectations on service that need to be met. For a printer, wrestling with their competition to secure new business, an online portal where their clients can store all their assets, control branding, get instant pricing and being open for orders 24/7 is essential.  Galloways received a business requirement from a potential large customer about setting up an online portal. With so many options out there, Galloways knew it was a race and set out to scour the market looking for the best possible solutions for their needs. They knew they needed the right Web to Print partner to help them secure this deal. Dawn Gally, Systems & Project Manager, explains the factors they assessed during their search, “the key things Galloways were interested in were ease of setup, ongoing/upfront costs and integration to their MIS”. After assessing the market offerings at that time, Galloways chose Vpress as it “ticked all the boxes”.

A Success Story

Vpress got to work and were determined to make this partnership with Galloways a success. The implementation process went smoothly and followed by an in-depth training Galloways were equipped with the system that could win them a new client. Galloways came away from the tender with a new client and a system that would catapult them into the new era of service. With this new tool at their disposal Galloways were able to grow their business. As Dawn Galley says, “It was imperative to answer their (customers) needs and that answer was Vpress”. This new partnership led to whole new world of opportunities. Not only was it instrumental in securing new clients but the increase in customer loyalty as a by-product led to higher average customer value. Dawn Gally explains how they saw customer loyalty grow, “the first client we brought onto the system started with 70 products and 120 branches and we have now grown to over 400 products and we supply over 200 branches”. The level of service provided allowed Galloways to pass their performance review with flying colours and secure this customer for the future. So, this brings us to a simple conclusion, if you provide good Web to Print service this will help you secure new customers and promote customer loyalty ultimately increasing your profits.

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